Thursday, January 29, 2015


Nearly 2 months after my half marathon, I think I'm finally starting to enjoy running again. I had a great run on Tuesday, and a solid run today. I woke up this morning and REALLY wanted to go back to bed... but I looked at the weather, and it was 57 out -- whoa! (it was 30 for my Tuesday run) That isgoing to be the warmest it is going to be for the rest of the week, so I knew I HAD to go and take advantage of it. And I'm glad I did. Plan was to run 2.5, but I was feeling good and did almost 3.5! I run at 5am (the only time it fits in my schedule, so I do it) and it's great to be out when no one else is, just running with myself, my headphones, and the stars above. I even went so far as to disinvite my boyfriend (who ran the half with me) from my morning runs because I want me time. Feeling great.

Happy Thursday, all!

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