Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Progress, Not Perfection

Today was a nice reminder that this is not about PERFECTION, but rather about PROGRESS. The last couple days have been tough depression-wise. Yesterday, I ended up binging... my boyfriend says that it was a "small" binge (800 calories) -- but it was a binge nonetheless. BUT. This morning, I got on the scale and I had lost 1.6lbs since last week. It doesn't have to be perfect to show results. Obviously I'm not encouraging binging -- but remember -- that even if it happens, you need to jump back on the wagon and keep going. I had a small dinner last night and I'm back with a healthy breakfast and I'm determined to keep the losses coming. I'm just shy of 10lbs lost (for this dietbet) and almost to my lowest weight of my adult life. I've got nothing to scoff at, even if I lost control for a bit yesterday.

Hang in there, everyone. Happy Tuesday!

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