Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Man. It's been 5 weeks since I last updated? I suck at this blog thing. Life has been crazy, I haven't been super healthy lately (I've maintained, but not lost), blah blah blah. You've read it all before. Probably even on this blog.

Well, after a bad week last week -- seriously, it was just one thing after another -- I'm trying to get back on plan this week. I ate mostly on point yesterday and I got out for a walk at lunch and a short walk after work. And then Zumba. I KILLED it at Zumba last night -- I was on FIRE. I don't know what got into me -- but I was having so much fun. It had been probably 2 weeks since I had made a class (between ice storms and things popping into my schedule) -- so I was ready to have a good time, and I did! I love that I can be my ridiculous, bad-dancer self. I don't care. It's fun and I have no shame.

Anyway -- the reason I came back today was because I had to write about #wycwyc (wick wick!). Two bloggers I've followed for years (Roni and Carla) coined this term a while back and I LOVE IT. #wycwyc stands for "What you can, when you can" and means exactly that -- you do what you can, when you can. Whether it is "I can fit a 10 minute workout in between meetings" or "I'm going to have a small french fry instead of a large" or something entirely different, it's all about what works for YOU. It's not a new concept -- people have been doing this for years -- but finally, it has a name! And a hashtag! And a website!

Roni and Carla started a #wycwyc podcast which I also love. I love when blogs come to life. When I listen to the podcast, I feel like I'm just sitting there next to them, just three friends chatting. It's fantastic.

Well, I decided something. I decided to stockpile the #wycwyc podcasts and only listen to them when I get up for my 430/5am runs. I listen to a podcast on every run -- but what works for a 6pm run (Jillian Michaels, Dan Savage, This American Life) does NOT work at 430am when I'm still 90% asleep. When I have to get up that early to run (today it's because I have a networking meeting after work) -- I need that extra push. It's nice to have Roni and Carla along the way, reminding me that it's ok if it's not my fastest run or my longest run -- just getting out there is enough. 2 slow miles is better than no miles.

Now that spring is slowly creeping in, here's to more #wycwyc runs with Roni and Carla and more healthy days ahead.

Tell Me: What are you #wycwyc-ing today?

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