It's been just over two weeks since the half-marathon. I'm finally getting back into the workout swing... I took 2 zumba classes last week, had a short 15-minute weight lifting session (pre-zumba class), and went for a 2.43 mile run. Tonight I'm headed back to zumba and I have 2 runs scheduled this week (Christmas/gym not having classes/traveling have prevented much more than this) -- but overall, I'm OK with my exercising. I'll knock it up to 4-5 days a week after the new year/things settle down.
What I've been struggling bigtime with is my eating. I've been eating EVERYTHING in sight lately. And things not in sight. I've gotten into a really crappy habit of stopping somewhere on my way to work and getting a soda and a snack or two or three. I'm probably eating 1000 calories before 9am. It's out of control and I'm not really sure what's happening. All I know is that I need to STOP. Every day that passes I know it's getting harder and harder to get to my 30th birthday goal. If I get things in gear now, I can still make it, but I'm sabotaging myself. And I don't know why. My life is in a really good place right now. My depression is sneaking back in, but I think that's because I'm eating like crap which means I'm not getting good sleep, which brings down my defense mechanisms. It's an awful cycle.
For now, I'm going to go to the library and pick up a book about weightlifting and then head to the gym. And have a reasonable dinner when I get home (thanks to TheBoy). And hope for a better day tomorrow.
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