My goal for the next 46 days is to go into my 30s in the best possible shape I can be in. I've got a plan (I love having plans, I'm 100% Type A).
- When it's not raining and less than 90 degrees, I want to go for a walk before work (assuming I get downtown in time) and a walk during lunch. This morning I got 4000 additional steps in just by going for a 45 minute walk before work. I'll have to figure out what to do once the temperature gets high enough that walking outside at those time would mean being covered in sweat. Because no one at my office wants that!
- No going out before/during the workday for snacks. This is a dirty little habit of mine and it really needs to stop. I bring enough healthy food with me to work each day to survive the day. There's no need to get more.
- Solo meals out should only be pre-planned (and when it's not possible to get home for a meal). Meals out with others should be in moderation.
- I started working out with my personal trainer again on Friday (I worked with him for a time last summer). This is my birthday present to myself -- I'm committing to 2 months, and then we'll see where the budget is after that. My goal is to work with him twice a week.
46 days is not that long. It's less than 7 weeks. A lot of good can happen in 7 weeks if I just commit to making it happen. Here's my commitment.